Mend Cover Art

Final Store Art

Final Store Art

Early store art compositions

Early store art compositions

Worked up comp 1

Worked up comp 1

Worked up comp 2

Worked up comp 2

Early exploration fonts

Early exploration fonts

An example of a very Mayan ornamental style type with gold treatment. Decided it was too hard to read quickly.

An example of a very Mayan ornamental style type with gold treatment. Decided it was too hard to read quickly.

Simpler designs. We go with lower left.

Simpler designs. We go with lower left.

Tweaks and variations. We go with G

Tweaks and variations. We go with G

J is where we really nail it down and only minor spacing tweaks are made.

J is where we really nail it down and only minor spacing tweaks are made.

Example of it sitting among other Oculus game icons.

Example of it sitting among other Oculus game icons.

Mend Cover Art

The exploration and distillation of the title logo and composition. Started off with Photoshop, defined the letter forms in Illustrator, and built the final image back in Photoshop.